Miracle Morning: Finding Your Morning Routine

Miracle Morning Finding Your Morning Routine.jpg

Have you ever read or heard about the ‘miracle morning’? Great book! I recommend it, even if they don’t pay me to say that *sad face*. Anyways, I’ve been obsessed over the years with understanding more about what the most successful folks do with their mornings. In the miracle morning, they talk about the routine in through the acronym SAVERS - like life savers!

  • Silence
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Exercise
  • Read
  • Scribe (I am not joking you, scribing is one of them)

Even before I read the book I was already leveraging many pieces of the SAVERS in my morning routine. A morning routine will set your day, and life, up for success. Since I have adopted mine I have been able to visualize and start working towards my goals. I the miracle morning, you can do these SAVERS in 10 minutes each, 5, 20, etc - however long and in whatever order works best for you. How many of us have heard about celebrities and successful folks getting their workout in the morning? Sometimes I can get my whole miracle morning in, other times it aligns with me better to snuggle next to my sleeping husband. However, I wanted to share with you what I call my routine of happiness. In a long and short version. Then I’ll dive into the benefit of each part.

Long Morning

  • 6:20 - snooze and think of my dream
  • 6:30 - hit snooze again, sit up and meditate (silence)
  • 6:40 - get hot water and lemon
  • 6:45 - read a book (I’ve loved resisting happiness and untethered soul from my recents) (read)
  • 7:00 - write in journal, visualize, goal set, list to do’s (visualization, scribe)
  • 7:20 - write my fiction book
  • 8:00 - 7-10 minute workout (exercise)
  • 8:10 - get ready and say some affirmations (affirmations)
  • 8:30 - clean up the apartment a little (I like unloading the drying rack/dishwasher)
  • 8:40 - leave for work!

Right now, I have a super short commute and I get into work around 9am. But let’s say I sleep in, or need to get to work early or I just don’t have this kind of time?

Short morning

  • 6:40 - snooze and think of dream
  • 6:50 - sit up and mediate
  • 7:00 - hot water and lemon
  • 7:05 - read and write
  • 7:45 - stretch
  • 8:00 - get ready for work and affirmations
  • 8:30 - clean
  • 8:40 - leave for work

As you can see there is a slightly different schedule for me. It is all based on my goals. Sometimes I lay in bed a little longer, sometimes I hop right out. Sometimes I get so into my book I don’t have time to write. Your mornings are unpredictable but the main thing is getting into a routine that wakes you up and that you look forward to. I have friends that wake up and do an hour of working out right away. Others, opt for matcha instead of coffee or hot water. No matter what, try to find a morning routine that you love and look forward to.

Every single morning I look forward to the various parts of my routine. Click the links on each item to dive into where I see the benefits of each piece. What do you do for your routine? What do you look forward to in the morning?


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