Writing portfolio

Along with being a voice over talent, I am a copywriter and content marketer.

Here are just a few of my favorite works of written words.


ebook guide

Strategically developed this asset to support the sales team in engaging with executives.

ebook: 4 strategic threats early talent solves

Anchor content to support sales and demand generation during economic downturn.

one pager: Cut costs and Recruitment spend

Customer story

Blogs for Wrike

Click through to view all the blogs I authored.

Blog: How to Evolve Your Company Culture

Leveraging a culture award for employee advocacy and positive social engagement.


Ebook for a CFO persona

Blog: 6 Ways to Uplevel Your Next Virtual QBR

Persona quiz I made for clari

Deck: for Sales meetings

Infographic: Paid Forrester survey

Social Media Manager - Viral CEO Post

Social Media Manager - Viral CEO Post

guide and quiz

Tips to help employers leverage their employer persona—based on a quiz I made.

Blog/videos: Customer testimonials from webinar

Turned customer webinar into valuable case study snippets and blog recap.

Blog: 7 tips to scale early talent recruiting

Customer case study

Landing page and quiz

For GenR confrence and persona quiz I made.

Social: Forrester wave

Orchestrated social push with internal and external enablement, did the storyboard copy for the video.

Survey report: employee engagement

Blogs for ZenCare

Blog and video series

Case study

Ebook: Product focused

Blog: for Talent List product launch


DEI is a key value proposition for Handshake, this guide helps establish leadership.

Blog/videos: How Gen Z approaches the job search

Designed and edited video snippets to turn webinar into valuable short-form content

Example of customer spotlight series: Honor Roll

I did the animation and editing

customer webinar video snippet for social

Customer case study

Anaylst report

Forrester Total Economic Impact report.


Suvery report: workforce trends

Press release

Blog: Virtual Selling Best Practices

deck: for conference presentation

eBook: product focused

Customer case study thought leadership