A year of not buying clothes - eek!

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My husband and I are hoping to buy a house at the end of this year... lol good luck to us as we live in one of the most expensive places in the world...

Anyways, in order to motivate ourselves to save more, we have cut down significantly on our "fun money" (which you can learn about in my 50/30/20 Blog that helps you finally get your money under control). I thought it would be a fun challenge to try to not buy any new clothes unless super needed, until 2019. Let's see how it goes!


1. I literally already have too many clothes and I want to turn part of my closet into a voice recording studio (more on my adventure with that later). So pure space is a motivation.

2. When we move... I'll appreciate having fewer things to, you know, move.

3. I truly do feel like we simply have too much stuff now a days, and I would much prefer to spend my money on traveling, adventures and experiences - oh and food too.

Tips to get started:

1. Unsubscribe! When you get those messages promoting an extra 50% the already on sale items... the temptation is too much. Unsubscribing can help just get rid of that temptation.

2. Read books about the benefits of having less stuff - may I suggest KonMarie? Or, I am also loving The Simple Show podcast right now.

3. Practice gratitude. Whenever you feel like you a missing out by not having the hot, new items, remind yourself of the abundance in your life and focus on appreciating your current pieces. Focus on what you can afford now that you are saving money for experiences

4. Re-organize your closet so that you can SEE your items and use them. Anything you don't use, donate it. Make space for your close to breathe and only keep items that bring you joy. Very KonMarie, I know! For me, giving everything a place and organizing my closet by use (tank, t-shirt, long sleeve, dress, etc) and color was really helpful in helping me truly use my whole closet.

5. Write your commitment and the reasons behind your commitment down. Writing it down solidifies your resolve and gives you something to fall back on when you are tempted. Telling someone too can help hold you accountable. In my morning routine, I write down my goals and commitments all of the time to remind myself of what I value in my life.

Wrapping it up

Those are my tips for now! I'll check in with you on how things are going, if I find any other awesome tips, or succumb to the temptation... 



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